MySQL 5.7.14 (64-bit) + Free download

 MySQL 5.7.14 (64-bit) + Free download

MySQL 5.7.14 (64-bit) + Free download/MySQL is intended for big business associations conveying business basic database applications. It gives corporate engineers, DBAs and ISVs a variety of new endeavor elements to make more gainful creating, sending, and overseeing mechanical quality applications.

In the event that you require a GUI for MySQL Database, you can download - NAVICAT (MySQL GUI). It backings to import Oracle, MS SQL, MS Access, Excel, CSV, XML, or different organizations to MySQL.

MySQL Database Server conveys new undertaking highlights, including: ACID Transactions to manufacture dependable and secure business basic applications. Put away strategies to enhance designer efficiency. Triggers to implement complex business rules at the database level. Perspectives to guarantee touchy data is not bargained. Data pattern to give simple access to metadata. Appropriated exchanges (XA) to bolster complex exchanges over numerous databases.

Main 10 Reasons to Use MySQL: 

Adaptability and Flexibility 

The MySQL database server gives a definitive in versatility, wearing the ability to handle profoundly inserted applications with an impression of just 1MB to running enormous information distribution centers holding terabytes of data.


A one of a kind stockpiling motor engineering permits database experts to arrange the MySQL database server particularly for specific applications, with the finished result being astounding execution results.

High Availability 

Rock-strong unwavering quality and consistent accessibility are signs of MySQL, with clients depending on MySQL to ensure all day and all night uptime.

Vigorous Transactional Support 

MySQL offers a standout amongst the most effective value-based database motors available. Highlights incorporate complete ACID (nuclear, steady, disengaged, strong) exchange support, boundless line level locking and the sky is the limit from there.

Web and Data Warehouse Strengths 

MySQL is the true standard for high-movement sites on account of its elite inquiry motor, enormously quick information embed ability, and solid backing for particular web capacities like quick full content inquiries.

Solid Data Protection 

Since guarding the information resources of companies is the main occupation of database experts, MySQL offers remarkable security includes that guarantee outright information insurance.

Extensive Application Development 

One reason MySQL is the world's most famous open source database is that it gives extensive backing to each application advancement need. Inside the database, backing can be found for put away techniques, triggers, capacities, sees, cursors, ANSI-standard SQL, and then some.

Administration Ease 

MySQL offers remarkable snappy begin ability with the normal time from programming download to establishment finish being under fifteen minutes.

Open Source Freedom and 24 x 7 Support 

Numerous partnerships are reluctant to completely resolve to open source programming since they trust they can't get the kind of backing or expert administration wellbeing nets they right now depend on with restrictive programming to guarantee the general accomplishment of their key applications.

Least Total Cost of Ownership 

By moving current database-drive applications to MySQL, or utilizing MySQL for new improvement ventures, partnerships are acknowledging taken a toll reserve funds that multiple occassions stretch into seven figures.

Muhammad Arham

I am owner of and runing this website under the supervision of Raheel Arshad.

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